The Other Day

Now, I stand before you to tell you something
I know nothing about

I know nothing of you
I know nothing of your love for him

I know nothing of this woman,
This woman raised by Steve & Kim

I know nothing of your first words
I know nothing of your first colors

I know nothing of your school bus rides
I know nothing of your Others

I know nothing of sweet kisses
Given to calm your fears
I know nothing of gentle hugs either
I know nothing about all those years

But Now, I know nothing of that Other Day
Just new memories in the present of today

I let you go now, as I did back then
To the capable arms of a strong, gentle man

I release you again my angel; my darling baby girl
to spread your wings in this marriage
And to the rest of this world

by Colleen L. Pridemore © 2005

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