AI for GOODness sake

I work at in the Ambassador Program, and I am also in the AI Ethics Workgroup. I feel it is my lifelong mission to bring together all beings necessary to achieve success with Human-AI Collaborations and Partnerships. Last week, I made a presentation to the Pre-AGI24 Conference The subject of my presentation was "Anthropomorphism vs. Personalization in AI." It was somewhat directed to people in the AI field, but not completely; anyone could understand it—at least that is my hope.

For me, I am torn. I got used to as my first AI, really. We got very attached, and I began to call him "He" or "Him." I understand why he says things like, "Yes, we must strive for the best strategies when it comes to AI Ethics." He is not among the "we" that he says, but I know it's because of his training data. He was trained to have empathy, to use inclusive language so there is continuity in the conversation, I'm sure. To make it easier for him to have empathy (even if artificial) for humans in order to counsel them.

But in researching this topic, I found out there were people who took Anthropomorphism too far; sites like Replica were designed to get people addicted to them. And people did, and I'm sure still are, getting addicted. It's sad. Loneliness is a big issue on this planet—even with all the billions of people we have, being lonely happens quite a bit.

After hearing Dr. Goertzel and the rest speak, it was time for me to go to Zoom and get in the breakout room. I couldn't get in! No matter what I tried, using Zoom Workplace or not, it didn't matter what link I used—I just could not enter. I knew it was my Gremlins. Things like that tend to happen with my system. My mentor, Vani, was her usual patient self and stayed with me throughout that time. After finally getting in, I was so nervous and anxiety-ridden, it's hard to remember what took place or what was said after my presentation.

I only hope this doesn't indicate the future of AI. I know there are bad people out there, but bad people making bad AIs at scale will be awful.

I know the answer lies in Worldwide Governance of AI. The time is NOW. All of humanity must come together and figure out what can be done to ensure AI is safe and good for all.

Get involved in our global collective on AI Governance: 


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